It is a challenge to translate data into action. To help get you started, here is a short list of potential actions for addressing health measures related to diabetes. This list can and should be used to spark ideas and discussion about what actions might be right for your community.
Diabetes Treatment

Individual Level – Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills
- Healthy Living with Diabetes Workshops around Wisconsin (community health)
- Text message-based health interventions (clinical)

Organizational Level – Organizations, Schools, Workplaces
- Toolkit for Improving Diabetes Care & Outcomes (clinical, registration required)
- Disease Management: Diabetes – encounter forms, patient agreements, and flow sheets (clinical)
- Provide professionally trained medical interpreters (clinical)
- Set up retail clinics to provide basic health care services (clinical, partnerships)

Community Level – Design, Access, Connectedness, Spaces

Policy Level – Laws or Policies
Diabetes Prevention

Individual Level – Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills
- YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program (community integrated health, partnerships)
- Breastfeeding promotion campaigns (public health)

Organizational Level – Organizations, Schools, Workplaces
- Worksite obesity prevention campaigns (public health, partnerships)
- Support healthy food initiatives at food banks (public health, partnerships)

Community Level – Design, Access, Connectedness, Spaces
- Institute a Community Health Worker program (clinical, public health)

Policy Level – Local Laws or Policies
- Use zoning access to limit the number of fast food outlets in an area (local government)
For more potential actions, please check out: What Works for Health, HIPxChange, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Are there actions you think should be in this tool? Please send your suggestions to