It is a challenge to translate data into action. To help get you started, here is a short list of potential actions for addressing health measures related to tobacco. This list can and should be used to spark ideas and discussion about what actions might be right for your community.
Tobacco Treatment, Quit/Cessation Strategies

Individual Level – Knowledge, Attitudes, Skills
- First Breath: Wisconsin program to help pregnant women quit smoking (clinical)
- Quit Connect: A Protocol to Improve Tobacco Quit Line Referrals (clinical)
- Health care provider reminder systems for tobacco cessation (clinical)
- Tobacco cessation therapy affordability (clinical, public health)

Neighborhood Level – Family, Friends, Social Networks
- Not On Tobacco: group cessation for teenagers/young adults (community health)

Organizational Level – Organizations, Schools, Workplaces
- Clinician training to help treat tobacco dependence (clinical)
- Employer toolkit on tobacco (workplaces)

Community Level – Design, Access, Connectedness, Spaces
- Institute a Community Health Worker program (clinical, public health)

Policy Level – Local Laws or Policies
- Tobacco taxes (state)
Preventing People From Using Tobacco

Neighborhood Level – Family, Friends, Social Networks
- FACT: youth tobacco activism (community health, schools)

Organizational Level – Organizations, Schools, Workplaces
- Wisconsin School Tobacco Prevention Resources (schools)
- Spark: Tobacco-Free Colleges and Universities (college, university)

Community Level – Design, Access, Connectedness, Spaces
- Tobacco-Free Multi-Unit Housing (private sector, municipal)
- Mass media campaigns against tobacco use (community health)
- WI Wins: decrease youth access to tobacco products (community health, retailers)

Policy Level – Local Laws or Policies
- Local policy initiatives, including: adding electronic cigarettes to local smoke-free ordinances (municipal), outdoor spaces (municipal/county government)
- Comprehensive tobacco-free school policies (individual school, school district)
For more potential actions, please check out: What Works for Health, HIPxChange, County Health Rankings & Roadmaps. Are there actions you think should be in this tool? Please send your suggestions to